Posts Tagged ‘Startup Weekend’
This weekend we decided to attend the Aarhus Startup Weekend, which is part of a whole network of Startup Weekends all over the world.
We are now at the end of day two. Yesterday the 60 participants pitched 38 ideas, we voted and 10 ideas was chosen to compete for a 10.000 kr. first prize. Right now we have a clear image of what we want to present on Sunday evening and us coders in the team are working on some demo software (just a proof of concept). The PR/idea/marketing/business/presentation/vision people are working on a video of our whole concept for a later pitch presentation and of course I found the time to write this blog post for you.
The team behind Aarhus Startup Weekend also made sure we will remember the experience – StikIRendFilm has captured the experiences from the first day in a video.
Our team decided to work on a concept about event planning on Facebook – focusing on going to the movies with your friends. It is going to be very cool and innovative and hopefully we have something to show people here at Startup Weekend on Sunday evening.