If you are looking for a new business model for your project? You have a great idea for a site, but no idea how to monitize it?
You could of course be traditional and offer an ad-based freemium-model like spotify.com with a sidedish of premium service. That have been done many times, but it is more flexible than the even more traditional model where you just let your users pay.
Maybe you could offer a free service and use it to gather large amounts of data and sell them like Patientslikeme.com? Or simply take a commision (or a posting fee) for facilitating contact/services to/from other companies like flattr.com, airbnb.com or GroupOn.com?
There is also a model where you let your customers pay what they want (encouraged by an anchor price of what other users have paid) and even let the users decide how much of the money that should go to charity. An example of this model can be found at humblebundle.com.
Or if your main product is free, how about “in-app”-sales like Haypi Kingdom or my favorite example Farmville – and if you want the user to loose track of the “real-world cost” then make your own monitary system.
If you want your users to create something of value, then make a platform that lets them co-create and get a share in the profit like Quicky.com. Helping other creative people monitize their ideas – that’s a great business model! Almost a meta business model.
Source: These was all picked from the presentation below; “10 business models that rocked 2010”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Therese Hansen and Peter Nørregaard, Thomas Borg Salling. Thomas Borg Salling said: RT @qedtherese: Are you looking for a different business model? Think about these: http://bit.ly/fb8CsV […]
The last URL should be quiRky.com 🙂
Thanks Dan!