Going out for lunch one day a couple a weeks ago we noticed that there were a lot more people out on the streets including a lot of street vendors selling flower arrangements with candles. The restaurant we had lunch at was in the Emporium Shopping center with a view out over Benchasiri Park and from there we could see that the park was especially busy that day. Deciding to investigate we visited the park and we certainly didn’t regret that decision.
In the park there were several families and couples that were there to let a flower arrangement float on the lake dominating the park. Very beautiful.
It turns out the ritual is part of a celebration called Loy Krathong. To cite one of the sources I could find explaining it:
People look forward to going out and launching Krathongs together to predict their romance future by the direction the Krathongs float. However, this season is also good for strengthening relationship in the family.
The floating of a Krathong is signifies floating away ill fortune as well as expressing apologies to Khongkha or Ganga, the River Goddess.
Realising that this ritual would be even more beautiful at night we returned to the park after dark. The crowd didn’t disappoint us – they launched thousands of “Krathongs” (as the floating flower arrangements are called).
Loy Krathong er sådan en køn begivenhed. Vi var til det i Thailand i 2001 – der var det små lys, de sendte op i luften. Skønt at høre at I oplever så mange skønne ting 🙂
For the benefit of the international readers I’ll just translate the comment:
“Loy Krathong is such a beautiful event. We saw it in Thailand in 2001 – then it was little lights, they sent up in the air. Great to hear that you experience so many beautiful things :-). ”
Thank you Lone. We feel very lucky to be here in Thailand and experience the special events that the Thai people live with. We also experienced the little flying lights, but that was a few days later at the birthday celebration of the Thai king. I have pictures and will blog ASAP ;-).